It’s time to break up with
your minds bullshit
are you ready?
You’re Amazing
Because You Are Right Here, Right Now
Demanding a Better Life.
You are dedicated to living the life you came here for. One that’s filled
You’re ready for this journey
In fact, you’ve been ready for like ever.
And You’ve Been Trying
You’ve rolled out that yoga mat, read piles of self-help books, sticky noted quotes around, visualized your epic life and filled your mind with all the wisdom you could get your hands on.
You give deeply of yourself and you truly care. You feel like you’re doing everything you can to live your best life.
But no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get there.
Every time you think you’ve made a real breakthrough or solved a problem
…new challenges and emotional triggers hijack your bliss again.
You Wonder…
Why are my relationships still so friggin’ challenging- will it ever end?
Why won’t people just listen to me, appreciate me, approve of me?
How do I build meaningful relationships when we face disagreements?
Why do I always end up feeling alone and misunderstood in my relationships?
Why do I never have enough time in a day to get even a fraction of my to-do's done?
How do I manage these endless to-do lists? Will I ever get caught up?
When I am overworked & overwhelmed, what do I let go of?.
When can I rest, relax, rejuvenate and heal – instead of hustling into further exhaustion?
Why the heck am I still scared to let the “authentic me” out of the bag to shimmer and shine?
I’m tired of people pleasing, shape-shifting and selling my soul to win the approval of others in an attempt to belong. How do I stop the insanity?
Why don’t I have the financial freedom I need for peace of mind, I try so hard?
How do I stop the slaving to the old-age, wage-slave ideals in work and making money? Why does western culture program us with the incessant mantra “I need more money” until it is chanting in my mind a gazillion times a day. Every. Flippin’ Day?
Why does life balance still seem like a pipe dream after all the self-help and spiritual work I do?
How do I get more adventure, more travel, more fun, more time off to enjoy this life?
Why do the worlds affairs still piss me off?
Things break, people are rude, the government sucks, the weather never does what I want it to do ~how do I find peace in my minds chaos?
Why won't that nagging story that "I'm not enough” loosen its death grip.
I’m not pretty enough, handsome enough, smart enough or strong enough,
And why the heck does everyone else seem to be crushing it while I’m just spinning in circles?
At your core, you know that something is missing on your journey to awakening. Somewhere deep inside, you know that all the pain that seems to hold you back -is actually the gift of awakening that you have been waiting for. Yes dear one, you know that when you face it (with skill) you can step right into the role of the Rockstar Superhero you truly ARE.
Hidden where you least expect it,
there are answers.
Answers that work.
And you are here to find them.
Because deep down you know you’re kind of a big deal.
And you know you deserve an EPIC LIFE, that is why you have been trying like hell to get it,
But you’re still spinning your wheels.
In a saturated market, we have a tendency to fill our lives with the KNOWLEDGE of self-help, spiritual, and motivational paraphernalia but we fail to understand that it is the understanding of the two minds within us and the APPLICATION of skilled strategies that are going to create that deeper change.
Without an understanding of the deceptive part of the human brain,
it can be hard to transmute knowledge into true awakening.

Reading books, gaining knowledge, listening to motivational speeches, watching uplifting videos, going after the things we want and visualizing our best lives is amazing. It is good. It is relevant. But in between all that good, we still get hijacked into the stress zones and the darkness when life doesn’t go our way.
We get flustered. We get frustrated. We get served a big heaping platter of the ego’s ranting, raving, whining, blaming and complaining. And if that weren’t enough, we also get a juicy side dish of “guilt” and “not enoughness” thrown in for extra measure ~until were filled up on it’s bullshit and we become our own worst enemy.
The sad thing is, it’s lies. The ego’s lies.
And we fall for it hook-line-and sinker. Every. Single. Time.
But what if I was to show you twelve ways to not get hooked by the ego so that you don’t allow your self to throw your innate power, dignity and worth out the door?
What if I could guide you directly into the ego’s traps, to the places that quick fix work can’t touch but skilled strategies can?
What if I could show you that:
You are stronger than your ego.
You are greater than you can ever imagine.
Yes, Divine One
You are more. Much More.
$195 per hour
$295 per hour
6-one hour sessions
$975 (save $195)
60-minute Live Zoom (beginning in 2025)
No More Shitty Days: 6 Month Training $1799
This 6-month intensive training program is designed to teach you how to take back control so you can live in the sweet spot of life that is your birthright. Together we will stare down the 16 ego blocks that have been chasing you back into your old habits time and time again, so you can finally step into the life that you always dreamed of but didn’t know how to get!
This is not some LOOSEY-GOOSEY, content-lite coaching method that feeds you a lot of woo-woo
You will leave with TWELVE SOLID STRATEGIES to outwit that keen ego.
My mission is to give EVERY one of my clients the skills and strategies they need to take on any challenge ~and face it with authenticity, power, and grace.
Cheryl’s commitment to personal and planetary enlightenment is something to experience! I am so blessed to be a part of her efforts to empower myself and ultimately mankind. Cheers to deeper, AUTHENTIC HAPPINESS!
“Cheryl’s profound expertise, authentic concern and rock solid strategies gave me the consciousness tools I need to thrive in any circumstances. I AM FINALLY FREE! Cheryl is a true delight who has figured out how to make “going deep” a process I can actually look forward to instead of one that I am afraid to invest my time and money on.”
Wendy E.
This 6-month intensive training is unlike anything you will find out there today because I know, from 20+ YEARS of coaching, that the DEEPER work is the only way out of the ego’s stranglehold.
Here’s how it works:
Immediately after registration and payment, you will receive a welcome packet from yours truly in your inbox that will cover:
- Intentions for our journey together over the next 6 months.
- What to expect during this process.
Month One - Education: Core Happiness Training
In the first month you will receive a solid foundation and deep understanding of exactly how the ego works and what we are up against. I’m going to teach you everything about your brain that you never learned about in school:
- How the ego works, why it causes suffering and how to put it back in its place
- Overview of the 16 traps your ego tricks you with (without your awareness) and how to get it back under control.
- How the ego makes things are a heck of a lot harder than they really are.
- Why we run the other way RIGHT when we’re starting to get somewhere.
(Why didn’t we learn this stuff as a kid? It’s only fundamental to all human happiness but – whatever. It boggles the mind.)
During your first month, you’ll get four mind training video modules, one per week, that you can watch on your own time.
In this powerful Core Happiness Training series, I teach you exactly how your brain is hard-wired and soft-wired so you can understand:
Why your brain is programmed to default to emotional stress and suffering
and why you fall back into powerless states of mind-such as negativity, frustration, anger, hate, worry, fear, guilt, shame, grief, loneliness, confusion, uncertainty, scarcity, burn out, feelings of abandonment, worthiness issues, disappointments, never feeling like you’re enough, never thinking you have enough, stress, anxiety, depression, etc. (Good Grief, where did I put that Hagan Daaz?)
The specific and sneaky ways your brain hijacks you into believing in its neurotic con game.
Your monkey mind is an evil genius and takes you for insane, stressed-out rides (that you don’t want!). We will look directly into the psychological structures that hold the ego’s emotional struggles in place AND learn how to crumble each one of them with methods so simple, it will shock you (in a good way, I promise)!
How and WHY you will inevitably encounter resistance to change
and the strategies to push through. I’ll teach you why it’s SO DAMN hard to do this work (but when you do, goodbye guilt and shame!), why its estimated that 92% of people quit and why it seems so much easier to revert back to the old life (It’s crazy to believe that it’s easier to stay miserable, than to do the deep work. That’s the insanity the ego wants you to believe so it can control you – forever).
It’s a lot to take in, so I invite you to take the time to process the information and watch the videos over again until it clicks. This is your foundation so you want to make sure it’s strong.
"You can't solve a problem from the same level it was created."
~Albert Einstein
(let’s go deep instead)
Months 2-6 Training: The Good Stuff
After completing the FOUNDATIONS MIND TRAINING you’ll start digging into the 16 TRAPS OF THE EGO which are the core blocks to your innate state of purpose, power, peace, prosperity and passion.
During this time you will:
- Download our Podcast Party and learn 1 EGO TRAP per week (for 16 weeks).
- You will then receive instructions on how to override these traps and apply active solutions to everyone of your personal life challenges.
- Enjoy your easy, but effective accountability worksheets will keep you connected and engaged in the journey.
- Relax with powerful Mindset Mastery messages, sent via email or text every week to keep you motivated and centered.
- Anchor the Training through a powerful repetition process the last month, so that you are getting the deepest shifts possible.
And as if that’s not enough…
- I want to give you my journaling prompt’s and mediation tools for FREE so you can use them throughout this process.
- Plus you’ll be sent extra tips, tools, inspiration and fun bonuses along the way!
Facing the ego can be difficult at times and you will want to run back to the “easy work”, but it is my job to gently remind you that digging in deep is less scary than continuing to live the old life you’ll be running back to.
The ego’s job IS TO SCARE YOU so you don’t follow through on the work that will take it down but once you learn that it is a fake, a hoax, an illusion and a lie – you will even find yourself laughing while you walk through your challenges because they will look so small in comparison to the inner worth & power you have accessed.
So, now you have some choices.
Option One
You can do what 92% of people do and run from the deep work, go back to the grind and accept that suffering is the price you pay for breathing. (Not recommended.)
Option Two
You can continue to dump money, time and effort into trying to solve all the problems with fluff and puff quick-fix trainings ~hoping that eventually, something might stick. (But you know that hasn’t been working right?)
I’m going to offer you another choice.
The Braver Choice.
I’m going to offer you the opportunity to do the deep, soul work that will change your life forever!
This program is simple but it is not easy. Easy doesn’t get you where you want to be. If this stuff were easy everyone would be running around blissed out and euphoric all the time.
This can be challenging work, but it’s critical if you want to become a part of the 7% of people who are living their best, most authentic life.
And remember, just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it has to be painful!
After working this program for over two decades I have been able to streamline the process to get you form where you are to where you need to be as
Don’t get me wrong, this is going to be some of the most joyous work you’ve ever done.
Like running a marathon, or building a house, or giving birth – it’s going to be hard, you may want to give up at times but when you succeed, when you come out the other side – the relief, the joy, the pride, is the beginning of the rest of your life! It’s incredible. It’s indescribable. And it’s so totally worth it!
Together we’re going to pull back the curtain and reveal your ego for what it really is. And when you’re able to finally look the truth in the eye and see how ridiculous it really is – you’re gonna laugh. And then we’ll get the hell outta Oz.
You’ve Got Questions? I’ve Got Answers.
What happens when I click the button to sign up?
When you click the button to enroll in the program you will be taken directly to PayPal to make your payment. As soon as your payment goes through you’ll receive your Welcome Packet to help you start to focus your mind on the journey in front of you.
What if I can't afford to make the full payment right now?
YES!! I want to work with you too! It is my mission to spread this message far and wide regardless of economic limits. That is why we offer to split the payment into two smaller payments of $799.
(And if that is still too much for you I want you to schedule your FREE 30-minute call with anyway! You’d be amazed at what we can get done in 30-minutes!)
When you say 30-minute coaching call - do you really mean 30-minute sales pitch?
NO! Absolutely not. I believe in honesty and transparency! I would never bait and switch you like that! We do talk about the program because I believe in it and its ability to transform lives SO much I have to share the word! But we also talk about you, what you’re struggling with and how to move forward. Even if you don’t hire me to walk with you through the fire you will leave this mini-session feeling great and with a few more tools in your toolbox. No one has ever hung up feeling like they were just pitched to.
Do I get to keep the training modules?
You will be downloading the Training so you own it forever for your personal use. All of the modules are yours to keep and go back to anytime you need a refresher.
Is there a guarantee?
No. We don’t need one! We get results!
But what if I hate it?
This has literally never happened.
30 Minute - Personal Discovery Coaching Call With Cheryl (real coaching, not a sales pitch)
($175 Value)
Welcome Packet
4 MIND Training Podcast Modules
($799 Value)
16, 60-minute EGO TRAP Podcasts
($1499 Value)
Monthly Accountability Reminders
($150 Value)
Weekly Mindset Miracle Messages
($190 Value)
Client Case Studies
($399 Value)
FREE Journaling and Meditation Tools
($399 Value)
FREE 6-Month Membership To Exclusive Facebook Group
($195 Value)
FREE Continued Support - Additional Tips, Tools & Maintenance on Facebook Group
($300 Value)
That’s over a $4000 value.
Your Investment: $1799 or two payments of $799.
Why? Because I want to make it really, really easy for you to say yes to YOU.
Because I honestly believe that this kind of deep work can change the world and I want to get it to as many people as possible.
So, let’s go – because I know that we have important dream-making, world-changing work to do together!
(This is gonna be SO good!)
Contact Cheryl directly for details and availability.
There is no program in the world that will protect you from all life’s challenges, but these tools and strategies will change the game and empower you like never before. I want to help you cultivate a core of strength and the peace that comes from knowing you can maintain your equilibrium and navigate the natural ebb and flow of everyday life with grace, ease and yes… unbridled JOY.
No matter what comes your way – you got this!
You’ve had the power all along, my dear…
Ready to click your metaphorical heels and come back home to YOU?