January 13, 2015 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Bear Valley Public Library
5171 West Dartmouth Avenue
Denver, CO 80236

New Year Resolutions are here and we all want to join in on the celebration band wagon but with only an 8% success rate (yikes!) you may already be feeling the exhaustion of potential defeat.   Whether its money, love, health, happiness, balance, travel, relaxation, adventure, spiritual awakening or any other goal you desire…this time you may want to get the facts first.  FIND OUT WHY 92% FAIL IN RESOLUTIONS and what you can do to avoid being one of them!

There are 184 million Americans each year that don’t succeed in their goals, they are not to blame! They are completely innocent. They have never been shown the facts that no matter how hard they try, the game of self-change has worse odds than winning in Las Vegas!  

Resolution Statistics – HELP!

JANUARY 2015: Roughly 200 million Americans will make resolutions in high hopes for a year full of change, promise and joy.

FEBRUARY 2015: Roughly 92% of those smart people will have already jumped off the resolution ride.  Only 8% will succeed.    

MARCH – DECEMBER 2015: The 92% who failed will be licking their wounds and listening to their minds tell them stories of how THEY …yes THEY messed up again (which isn’t true).  “They” have nothing to do with it!

JANUARY 2016 – INFINITY: 92% will repeat similar resolutions and pretend like we don’t remember that it didn’t work last year—sound familiar?