January 29, 2015 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Bear Valley Public Library
5171 West Dartmouth Avenue
Denver, CO 80236

Loving Relationships: The Challenges – The Solutions

Whether you are searching for an intimate relationship, beginning a new one or in a longstanding commitment we humans sit mind boggled, wondering why relationships can be so hard…and even more importantly wondering what we can do about it! This class isn’t a communication skills program, Cheryl will share a fun and exciting way to learn about the classic dilemmas in human relationships so you can understand why love can sometimes tend to take a turn for the worse (usually without the two parties awareness or consent!). If you have ever wondered what breaks down love or why human beings build up emotional walls of protection, close down, run away, get angry, control others, follow fear, give the cold shoulder or just simply give up – then this class is for you. Come with your inquisitive sense of wonder open and be ready to learn! You will walk away smiling with laser sharp, psychological and spiritual techniques that will cut through the deepest challenges you have faced or will face in the future. You will also learn that you aren’t broken, you aren’t “bad” at relationships, you aren’t unworthy and you are not doomed to a life of loneliness or suffering…you are just mis-informed. So step up your game, have fun, let go and come learn the tools that will give you the Intimate Relationship you have always been worthy of but didn’t know how to get!